They flew in order, with grace, in song, in community - they are leaving together heading to a warmer place for a while. In formation the squadrons flew over our heads as we stood with necks back and eyes looking up to the coming night sky. They sang out in greeting, and tears filled my eyes. They were tears of healing, tears of letting go, and tears of emotion for the one I walked beside and love so dearly now.
For many years I have watched these beautiful creatures with a sense of awe and respect for the beauty and the grace in which they ride the wind - always pointing North - always in return home.
Yesterday, for the first time I witnessed them in the beginning of the journey South - A reminder that life changes and the way we witness events must change as well. I am in Canada today, I am looking in a new direction. My compass has found my true North. I am blessed. I am humbled. I am loved.