Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Whew - I might not be over it all, but I am gonna fuss like that in my head for the next couple of hours and then move on....and I mean "On"...
So if you have something to say, better pull your head out of your butt and get to talking.
Thank you,
The Management
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Meeting Him
He had waited 5 dates - and three months to kiss her. He really liked her and pursued dates with her more than just the calculated fashion of Tuesday night face-to-face and Thursday night chats on the phone. He told his family about her - and how wonderful she is. He took her to nice restaurants and cooked for her and made her slow her pace down to what dating used to be.... we all learned a lesson.
So today we get to meet Giovanni - seven girlfriends together at once. We will be wearing our Sunday best and be polite, never joking the way we do in private. We will be smiling out of genuine happiness and absolute joy for our friend. She is smiling again, she has found someone that just might be something....
Happy Sunday everyone!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Some Days...

Some days are just plain harder than others. We smile to strangers and get on with our day and keep on doing what we do best...coping with the turns in life. But even during the days when we are smiling on the outside so that no one sees the hurt and frustration..there is a little person on the inside, looking out - and wondering about it all.
Monday, January 22, 2007
I Dream
In the quiet moment between darkness and daylight I dream that you are here with me. My hand reaches out to touch your chest, feeling the rise and fall with each breath. Skin warm against my touch. I exhale and curl my body into yours.
Kisses on foreheads and hands held tightly. Love in the moments before sleep and thoughts of you lingering long after winding into my morning.
You see I dream of you, I believe in you and I long for you to come. This house and this heart are waiting for you.
Until then, I dream..and wait.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
In The Past
In a world of measuring sticks and uncertainty, it is hard to let go of what we know – or what we thought we knew. It is easier to look back sometimes to what seemed so right to us.
You seemed that way to me. You were the flip side of my coin – the same in value but different in look. Legal tender in either direction it seemed.
Fire and ice, or as someone once said gasoline or water…I am gasoline, I am fire and passion and I smolder inside just waiting to be fanned into life again.
Contentment is all around me, but with that contentment is silence, and a little too much peacefulness. It doesn’t feel normal really – the embers are still burning just under the surface….waiting for fuel.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Taking The Wheels Off

Greg snapped this photograph at Chastain Park on Sunday while we were out walking Maggie and when I saw it for the first time, I knew exactly what this little boy felt like. There is such a joy to know that you can do it - no matter what it is that you are attempting. This is a beautiful reminder of the freedom we feel upon finally taking off the training wheels and pedalling away at a faster pace..than you ever have before.
The comfort of having those we trust and look up to for protection still close by is the icing on the cake. This is how life should be for all of us - full on, but wearing a safety hat and keeping our protectors close at hand should life make us take a spill.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Not Gonna Happen Like That....
One of the things we discussed was to live authentically, to be true to myself first. It is o.k. to put yourself and your best interests at the top of your life list of priorities.
So today I enacted that principal and put me first. I said "this is not going to work...for me" and I felt absolutely horrible about it. I have become so used to allowing others to be a priority that my knees were weak and I had a lump in my throat..but I did it - I said it out loud and for the first time, in a long time - I made myself a priority.
It felt really good. Life is waiting - and I am learning to live each day - with doing what is best and essential for my health being at the number one spot on the list.
Work has it's place, and so does having a personal life. Today I chose the balance...and am smiling with pride that I had the guts to change it.
Thank you again P - I have not forgotten our talk.
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007
SO Excited!!
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to have someone that does not play a game. He is just earnest and sincere and very down to earth. Not at all the type that needs to look around the corner for "next" and that is exactly what I need right now.
It is funny, how twisted dating has become in this day and age. I had had my fill of men coming and going from my life - mostly at my insistence that they move along as they were not healthy for me, nor aligned with my goals. I guess it just took taking time to say that I am o.k. alone and I really am now. Fully o.k. with my own life - and now a little blessing has come along to make me smile.
I hope you all are doing well and looking forward to your weekend plans. As for me - I will be cuddled up in the big arms of someone I like a lot - and smiling.
POST SCRIPT - WOW - was I ever a moron on this one.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Letters From Home
January 7, 2007
Dear Mellissa
I don't tell you often enough how proud I am of you; how good you are in your heart, and in your spirit toward others.
I love you and I know that this year, 2007, will be the year that all your dreams are realized.
With all my love,
There is no better way to have ended my day. I love you mother.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Letting You Go
Recently, someone asked me "why?" and I told the truth, wondering if they believed me. I know people think there are two sides to every story, each containing only perhaps 75% of the truth, but what I said was accurate and truthful and just so matter of fact. "I was useful and faithful, a good wife. When I demanded to be a priority, he left." It was the truth, not in a twisted way, but just in fact and with no bitterness.
So this is the last of it. I hope to see no more emails from you with subject lines of pain. It is not my job to ease you through loss or talk to you about your dreams. You gave up the right of that when you left me four years ago. I am sorry that you lost your best friend to a tragic death recently. I will pray for you, and for his family...but I wont ask questions, or reach out to you. I have let you go...and I wish you well.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Perfect Morning

Well, I started a new position here in Atlanta - so this is so not my morning now. I just finished gulping my coffee and now have to run to be at the office by 8 a.m.
Keep It Simple

This is a photograph I took last week while I was out with Greg having a "Photo Challenge" afternoon.
As I was sitting here this morning looking through some pictures to create a calendar, I thought about this one again. It is funny, but it reminded me of something.
I recently saw an Industrial Psychologist for some career testing. We went a little deeper into our discussion and one thing he said really struck me...and has bothered me since because I don't know how to change it. He told me that I have deep trust issues with people. That I tend to do everything myself and keep myself slightly separate because I don't trust my wellbeing to another person. It makes sense that I do this, as other than my family, there has not been one person who has followed through on actions or promises they made to me to be there for me. I do not know what a safety net feels like.
You see, in my personal life this picture has become a reflection of me. I am standing off in the distance thinking that I am protected by a little sign I show people that says Posted - No Trespassing. I am having awkward moments getting to know the new man in my life. I tend to ask him open ended questions or just lay a line out there to see how he will react. Is he trying to trespass on my heart - or is he coming to tend a long overdue garden? I need to just remind myself that it is simple right now. I am not sure, but I do know that I need to remain relaxed and calm...observing from that barn in the distance, watching the gate....with a shotgun tucked safely under my arm just in case he is only coming to poach.... (o.k. ha ha I just had to add that in there because I am a big smarty pants).
Wishing you all a wonderful morning!
xoxo - Bug
Monday, January 01, 2007
For You

I don’t want to leave this house – and the wonderful company that I have found inside these walls. Walls filled with the sounds of the guitar and piano, and smiles and touch and goodness. It overwhelms my spirit to know that there is such a thing….as I had forgotten it – or rather put it away to try to forget.
Today is a simple morning, following a simple afternoon of hand holding and barn scouting and dog barking and a sunset on a small lake – you rushed to capture the light – I lingered to capture the moment – knowing it would not come again this way in the days ahead.
You are Sunsets and Tennessee and simple times and potential. You are the “old days” and the memory keeper and sweetness….you have reminded me of me…..of the importance of being earnest and simple. I have been missing that in my life. Thank you for holding up the mirror…