Saturday, February 25, 2006


I just want to say thank you, for the little things that are so unexpected and unfamiliar to me. Driving 20 minutes to ensure that I will have my coffee, checking my tires because you don't want me to drive home in any peril. Never letting me pull out my wallet, insisting on even the smallest purchases being covered by you and not letting me wiggle when you mean you are doing something.

Thank you for listening to me..for really listening to the words I speak from my heart and for understanding where I am and supporting me and being completely o.k. with my honesty. You are the pillar of support for me in these days of confusion and hurt. We really are the mirror of each other.

I just want to say thank you, for the "little" things which to me are the very biggest things of all. You go out of your way to ensure my comfort and happiness and it really means the world to me.


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