It feels so good to be home again in the Blue Ridge Mountains - my town, Saluda, North Carolina (Mayberry USA). Coon Dog Day tee shirts have been purchased, hugs were collected from Mom & Dad and, of course, Charlie Ward. Lance and I have been out hiking at Pearsons Falls and are having just the nicest day together running along paths and sitting on rocks, feet dipped in cool water.

We are now sitting in the Saluda Library, which is better known to me at Kathy's store. She was a lovely woman who had this store in the early 1980's and filled it with crafts and things she loved. Her mother was always here as well, quilting in the very room I am now typing from. Our town lost Kathy to breast cancer in 1986.
I have so many beautiful memories of Saluda, of my family heritage here, high school years, Green River BBQ, square dancing on Friday nights, locals who always are glad you are back and knew your Grandma and Grandpa and can say "I remember you when you were just a wee thing."
Now, here I am again. It has been six months since I have returned home. That is way too long. I sure have missed it. I am glad Lance is getting to experience this with me. Texas last weekend, North Carolina this weekend.
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