Friday, August 26, 2005

The Answers

The Answers
10 years ago- I was 27 years old, and lived in San Francisco with my ex-husband Ted. We lived just north of the city and I worked downtown on Battery Street as a project manager for an engineering firm, closing military bases for the Clinton administration. The projects that I worked for with the Army Corps of Engineers included Fort Ord, Fort Hunter Ligget, Fort Point Naval Shipyard and my proudest accomplishment - The Presidio (we turned it from military quarters into parks and greenspace with a public golf course for the people of San Francisco). I was young and idealistic and loved my job and the people I worked with. That same year my husband, who was a HazMat specialist in the Coast Guard was seriously injured while on an assignment and our world turned upside down, causing him to retire from doing what he loved, us moving to Florida and starting our lives over....a process which took over everything for the next 9 years.

5 years ago- I lived in a beautiful little house in Alpharetta, Georgia on an acre and a half with a beautiful yard and a garden, still married to my husband and working in the technology sector. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the phenomenon and experience first hand the behind the scenes creation of a software company that ended up being acquired in one of the largest software deals in history. Millionaires were made, memories were forged and friendships that are still going strong were a part of this time. Then we sat back and watched the bubble burst, saw people who did not plan for their newfound wealth lose everything they bought to pay Uncle Sam and return to life as normal again....and be happier than they thought they would be. Living proof that money brings headaches!!! My biggest memory of 2000 was sitting on my back deck with a glass of wine with tears in my eyes because the enormity of what had happened to me sank in. I remained the same and did not change my life over the newfound blessings - and I was soo glad that I kept my head and my life just the way it was it made it easier when it all vanished into thin air!

1 Year Ago - I was divorced, moving into the house I am currently moving out of, dating a man named Jeff, working full-time as a Realtor and just learning to enjoy life again - I don't think I was completely at ease with my new life and was still hanging on to the past a little bit, but I was definitely making progress.

5 Songs I know the words to- Fly Me to The Moon, Amazing Grace, Making Pies, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Pink Martini - Sympathique (French).

5 Things I would do with 100 Million Dollars- I would get a great financial manager, build a small cottage on the coast somewhere - perhaps Medocino, California where the views above the Pacific Ocean are awe inspiring, buy an apartment in Paris and a small home in Provence and split my time between them. I would start a foundation that would create houses and support for abused teenagers who want to go to college - House mother and father, counseling, full tuition to University and job assistance (the founder of Chick-Fil-A does something similar to this and it is AWESOME). I would have a small high-end shop that carried all things French like soaps and linens and artisan creations that I would purchase during my days in France (tax write off for the travel to and from France). Most of all, I would have my family around me all the time - lots of great vacations together and being an EA I can arrange it all with no problems!

5 Places I Would Run Away To- France, Prince Edward Island, Switzerland, Mendocino, Wyoming.

5 Things I would never wear- Mules, A Hairnet, Limegreen Eyeshadow, Granny panties, fake boobs.

5 TV shows - Don't really watch t.v. but I guess... The Bachelor, The Apprentice and Inside the Actor's Studio on Bravo - was a Sex and the City junkie but now have them all on DVD.

5 biggest joys- My dog Maggie, my friend Pascale, waking up in Paris, spending time with Lance, and travel.

5 favorite toys - My Blog, my cellphone, Lance's sander, my digicamera, my Avatar.

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