Thursday, August 04, 2005

Freaking Out

O.K. I took the day off from work today (in my world taking the day off means working at home on my computer with my assistant till 10 and popping into the office for an hour by 3) to look for a house.

I am freaking out. I realized that I really only have two weeks to find something, and for those of you who know me finding the right thing is really hard because I am soooo picky. I don't want to live in anyone else's' crap and pay a fortune for it. Plus, I am changing jobs so I can't decide to move closer to where I will be working or to a little area of town that I love! Anyway, part of the factoring in my decision is also a really big Canadian who needs a fair amount of space and fills half the room with body size (6'4) and the other half with personality.

I will be working from home in a little while, so factor in home office space and TA DA, you have got one heck of a scenario....oh yeah, and I need rock star closet space and a big bathroom to hang out in when I need to escape from 6'4, big personality....

I am looking at a house tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. so wish me it is off to get cutied up to meet Lance and his cousin Paul tonight. First impressions and meetings on a day when one is freaking out is not a good thing.

Repeat with me...."I am calm, I am calm, I am calm"......LOUDER people - it is not working!

See you tomorrow -

Nearly homeless in Atlanta

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