Well, Mags and I have arrived back to Atlanta
safe and sound. The dryer is humming along and the skies are so amazingly
I thought I would post a couple of pictures from our trip home for you (and for me).....
First order of business is Maggie - we were heading up the mountain drive to my parents cottage, Maggie likes to hang her head out of the window as far as possible....to take in all the smells and fresh mountain air! Notice her head is resting on the side-view mirror!!
I thought I would post a couple of pictures from our trip home for you (and for me).....
First order of business is Maggie - we were heading up the mountain drive to my parents cottage, Maggie likes to hang her head out of the window as far as possible....to take in all the smells and fresh mountain air! Notice her head is resting on the side-view mirror!!

The picture on the left means a lot to me personally. It is a constant reminder of how far in life we come. When my mother was a little girl, her mother used to pick beans in this field. My MawMaw was such a hard worker who did the very best she could in life. She would bring my mother and her two youger siblings along (there were 7 children in all ) while she picked beans all day. My mother would watch her sister Diane and her brother James on a blanket at the end of the bean row while her mother worked to provide for them all. Each time I pass by here, I remember that and feel so blessed for the beautiful life she has now. We went shopping together yesterday and I asked her to tell me the story again as we passed by those never ending fields, now fallow.

As you all know, or might
not, Ladybug is my nickname - and my collection of "namesake" cuties
keeps growing. This is a little handmade glass "bug" from my mom and
Maggie got a special gift
as well - I guess my mom and dad think their "Granddog" is a
Princess.....as does everyone who meets her!!
My gift to my mom was some
art for her dining room that reminded me so much of her beautiful flowers that
when seen in the spring time bring lots of ooooh's and aaaah's! She is a master
gardener for sure!
And last but not least - one night when everyone had gone to sleep, I was in my room looking through photo albums of times past - and I cam across a very special picture. It is me in my younger days with my two neices - at Christmas. They were so little then. It is hard to believe they are teenagers now. If you read a few posts down, you will see them now - all grown up!!
So even though I am home now, my heart is
still in North Carolina where there is so much love and so many great memories.
To Mom and Dad. THANK YOU for everything you did to make this Christmas one of
the lovliest I can ever remember. You are the best parents in the whole world
and I love you both so very much!!
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