These are my two best friends Angela and Kerri. They are amazing and fun and lovely. This weekend will be about celebrating my friendships and nurturing my life a little here in the city.
You see, my garden needed tending, and my mind needed clarity and my heart needed to laugh and spend time and show these women how much I love them, not to mention how much I have missed them and our crazy times.
Ladies - lots of plans were made for the weekend and I am excited. The weather should be great for a day in Piedmont Park having fun and eating Oysters and Crawfish (Angie is from Louisiana) and an evening in a cute Crescent City Cafe ;-) Sunday movie and massage day at the spa is just going to be bliss out and laughing the hours away will be the cherry on my sundae!!
You guys are just the best.....and Jamie, not to leave you out in any way....I will see you today at LUNCH!!
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