Well, we are here - and it is magical. Rosemary Beach is one of my favorite places to go, and somehow I always end up here around my birthday!
Jim and I drove down yesterday, and in true man fashion he did not use the directions I printed out, saying he knew the way down to Destin, Florida - and he did....that is a first ;-)
We spent the afternoon out at the pool and riding our bikes and relaxing a little. When I got to the pool, I was thinking about Mexico again.....
So things here are going well and I am happily relaxing in my nightgown while Jim is out on a 15 mile cycle. I would have been game, but when you put on your bike shorts and training jersey - count me out. I am a little more about flip flops, bike baskets and sundresses right now. He can go be manly while I sit here and sip coffee...
I will write another post this afternoon or sooner as I have some other thoughts bunking around...thoughts about a monster ;-)
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