Bite adjustment which reduces overloading forces by reducing heavy contacts through gentle recontouring of tooth structure.
My mouth hurts!! Not the best way to start your day... I guess I have been grinding my teeth in my sleep and got my bite off....note to self...RELAX!!
I was fitted for a night guard while I was still employed at the District Attorney's office.
Since I left, I no longer grind my teeth.
I think not!
I just clamped my legs shut out of reflex.
Ouch - that biting thing scares me.
Hope you can mellow. Good luck.
Hopefully my avatar will help calm you down!
Why are you not?
You seem relaxed in your posts, or is it work?
Yeah, I'm a tooth grinder too. Stress....internalizing....
Must. Take. Yoga. ;)
BIG P - I did not know I was doing it...till my dentist visit..not a good surprise!!
RAT - I said grinding my teeth..and that is all. Can men NOT leave their penie's out of ANYTHING.....and take your hat thing off - you look scary...
OS - Honey that is much better! Now I can smile while reading your comments ;-)
AM - I think I internalize a lot (yes, believe it or not) and although I am pretty relaxed and easygoing on the surface, stuff does resonate with me for a long time.
REBECCA - Oh girl - can't believe that was you going to the other Blog every day. I saw the hits and thought "wow, who keeps going over there..."...now I know! Come to Atlanta and go SHOE SHOPPING WITH ME!!!
hahahaha, I don't know that I can take responsibility for all the hits there! ;)
I would love to come to Atlanta. Hmmm. Time for me to look at a map and do some geography homework...I may be traveling to Alabama for business in the next 30 days or so.... I'll have to see how far that is from Atlanta!
You are now the model for Orbit Gum! lol. Have a great day.
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