Today as I was thumbing the new arrival...something caught my eye...and you all know how much I love a good rant about a "stupid" thing I see. I think the last time was when Pottery Barn was selling small bags of sand for $8.50..anyway, I digress.
Now, here is the topper. For $49.95 (yes, that is what I meant to type) you can buy a SAUSAGE to serve your guests....(I am quite sure you do not get the cute bayleaf garni shown in photo).
WHAT? Since when do we have to pay $50 for SAUSAGE - and yes, I have to keep capitalizing it - for the impact of how I hear this in my head! O.k. so who cares if it is super duper Italian truffle-fed by Sophia Loren pig, free ranging around the Tuscan countryside. It is still mashed up pig parts stuffed into intestine casing...local markets carry this for $7.99 per pound and I am not even going into the Publix Brand for $5.00 per pack.
I swear - I just gotta go to bed.
P.S. Had a date tonight...was so gonna cancel at the last minute but decided against it. He ended up being nice. But who can think about that when I have all this important rant stuff to talk about.
Wow. $49.95 for sausage??
Congrats on the date. I'm glad he ended up being a nice guy! Will you see him again?
Hey Tish,
No, I won't be going out with him again. He lives in DC and although he is a FINE lookin' man..I don't "do" inter-state relationships.
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