The house is very quiet with the exception of the dishwasher running the last load of coffee cups and Maggie's dishes. The rain has stopped falling and I am ready to head out for some last minute errands before heading up to work in Chicago for a week.
Laundry is completed, folded and put in its proper place, the house is spotless including adjusting the artwork on the walls and putting out fresh candles in the house. Bills are paid and taxes are completed and mailed. I have made everything ready...
The funny thing is, that the process of making ready is an easy one for me. There is not a huge list of things to do or a house to really put in order when you live alone. I was thinking about that today...the simplicity of being solo.
I was also thinking and wondering about when we all became so complacent and comfortable with this...why we don't take more chances to change our lives. It is really better this way, or so perfect and fulfilling that we chose to stay in this safe place and not venture out to something bigger/different/unknown?
I believe that we have become to measured, too set in our ideals and too closed. Actually, I am saying a lot of "we" but I really don't so much mean myself. I was reading
someone's blog the other day and I laughed out loud about how they always write "we" this and "we" that. When you read the writings of this person, it is only comical really because the "we" is not accurate to the subject matter at hand as it really is about them just spinning in a concentric circle. Anyway, I digress...
I guess the bottom line is this. I can play this game of being alone and functioning and doing really well - and pretending that it is cool...but you know what - it isn't. This is not me at all. I think big, I dream bigger and I am not happy with
dribs and drabs in life or in relationships. I don't want hold back in a relationship or in life. I am tired of being in neutral and waiting for someone to put me in gear in their timetable.
I am putting it in drive today - and living my life according to my wishes, hopes and dreams. And those are full-throttle, windows down and with road trip music playing. Life is too short to stay in neutral.