I arrived just fine. Received lots of SMS notes to my phone from friends and co-workers - checking to see if I arrived o.k. It makes me feel good to know that people care about me like that. It makes me feel more connected in this big ol' world.
This is the view from my room - which is really beautiful, but cracks me up!! There are TWO full bathrooms in here! What the heck is up with that? I mean I am a single here..but I guess I will just close the door on one and just use the other. These are the things in life that make me wonder. I guess if I was part of a couple this would make more sense...
Well I am off to dinner - and bundled up tight because it is a cold night here in Chicago. Oh, and the city is just beautiful.
Vous etes une pauvre petites cocinelle! C'est un weekend terrible a Chicago... Les temps est frigids et les vents fortes. J'espere que vous aviez un temps amusant!
Well if you had told you had 2 bathrooms in there I would have come with you!!! haha
Wish I were there - I've never been to Chicago and sooooo want to visit.
Have a good time girlie.
Hi Mellissa,
Got your letter yesterday - thanks so much! A letter in the mail is truly a gift.
I've been to Chicago only once, several years ago before I was married...and only for a day. It was a lovely time spent with a lovely person; a moment in time I will never forget.
Enjoy your time there, two baths and all!
Hello Mellissa, my friend. Sorry that I haven't checked in to see how you are doing these days. Hope all is well with you. Have fun in Chicago and come back safe.
Hey guys,
I am back safe and sound - and thawing out from the amazingly cold temps up there.
Maman - funny that you were writing me from Chicago ;-) Stay warm hon!!
Hope you had fun :D
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