Monday, May 14, 2007

The Man Purse, Don’t Wad, Hold The Door!!

I don’t know what is up with the resurgence of the man purse lately, but it is kind of bugging me….I mean men, why do some of you need a purse? You don’t appear to be a tourist needing to stow a camera or maps etc. and I am sure that you picked out your Gucci/Prada/Lambertson bag with care, however – it is just WEIRD to see a man with a man purse.

Now, if I might indulge here in a little cross-continental contradiction… looks far more normal to see a European man with a wristlet man style purse. For some reason they look like they belong with a little extra; a space to tuck this season’s Prada sunglasses, their iPod for the train and their La Prarie lip balm. They are also men with impeccably cut Armani suits and Etro shirts and fine leather goods. American men don’t pull that look together for the most part. So to see a man in cargo shorts, Birkies and an Abercrombie shirt with a Gucci man purse just looks out of place – maybe that’s it – it is out of place. Besides, men get all the perks in life (peeing standing up, pretty much guaranteed your orgasm, age better, loose weight faster, etc.) so I think you need to leave the purse alone!!! Let us women have our purses and shoes and you can keep peeing standing up and looking great at 50 o.k.!!!

Moving on…

I have this strange thing that bugs me….when I go purchase an article of clothing I get really irritated if the cashier wads up my clothes and shoves them in the shopping bag. I will stand right at the counter, give a quasi-dirty look and pull the clothes out to fold them properly right in front of them. It is not that I am trying to be bitchy or anything, but hey, I just paid for that with my hard earned cash and I don’t want it to look like I found it waded under the bed from five years ago. This happened to me at Target yesterday and again I was pissed off. It was just some workout shirts and shorts (I had to go buy smaller ones – he he) and the little chicky just rolled them all up in a ball and shoved them in the bag – hanger on and all. Is it so hard to fold something?? Did the retail industry FORGET that is one of the things you DO!!! In Paris it is such a treat to shop! You can buy a 1 Euro pen and they will box it in a colorful pen box, put it in a little bag and place a beautiful seal on it – just for you – they respect that a purchase is a “gift” for you too sometimes!!! While I don’t expect confetti and gift bags all the time, a fold would be a nice change!!

Moving on…

I hate it when you hold the door for someone and they walk through it without acknowledging you or saying thank you!!! This is a biggie for me. I learned to be polite all the time and I hold doors even when I get there first. I would be mortified to think I let the door shut on someone who was a few steps behind me. However, I am getting really frustrated in this city where people have NO idea or NO manners to say “thank you” for anything. I have gotten to the point that I say “You’re welcome” in a bad way when they pass me by and breeze in the door that I am holding as if I were a doorman on Fifth Avenue and they were Paris Hilton. I dream about sticking my foot out and tripping them….I think I am becoming mean…I think it is bad to be polite in action and mean in your heart. I think about yanking hair and pulling them back out the door and going in first…is that wrong??? Ha ha!!!

O.k. so now I ranted a little. I just have this stuff rolling around in my head sometimes and it has to come out. Not the best of posts, but really some things just make me shake my head and I have to tell you all about it ;-)



Tim said...

man purses: not for me, thanks. You ladies can have your purses and shoes. But I should say I've been known to tote a bookbag/briefcase type thingee on occasion....

wadding of the clothes: I think it in large part has to do with the sucky wages people in retail make. If you made a buck over minimum wage, would you care how you folded someone's new shirt? I know my attitude wouldn't always be chipper.

holding doors: I think it goes without saying that doors should be held open for others and just not for the ladies by their men. And proper acknowledgement afterwards is just part of the package. Do unto others..., you know??

oregoncelticlady said...

"pulling them back in the door" HAAHAHAHAHHAA! Just do it, and then you will illeviate the problem of being polite in action but mean at heart!

Rebecca said...

hahaha, that was so funny!

First off - oh yes, rude people are everywhere! I find myself saying "your welcome" to people who don't say "thank you", just to sort of rub it in that they weren't polite. I don't do it with attitude, with a smile - and I think that actually gets the point across better. People are rude - and so busy going to wherever they're going - they forget manners.

And the manpurse....? Whomever started that trend should really go into hiding. Ugh. I think there's nothing less appealing than a man with a purse. Gross.

Rebecca said...

Wait - maybe there ARE things that are less appealing in a man than a manpurse - however, that would be a huge turn off for me. :)

oregoncelticlady said...

Oh, I don't know! I could seriously overlook the holding of a man purse if he looked like the garden man below!!!! ;-)

Mellissa said...

You girls are too funny!!! Yeah, Greg (Garden Man) could do just about anything and it would be o.k.

Oh, and have I mentioned there is a lot more to like about him than his body... ;-) He is a good un' all the way around.
