Tuesday, July 03, 2007


From morning till night there is a sense of isolation, the sunrise gives way to the moon and still I stand, alone. I can see for miles around me in all directions, yet no one is on the horizon; I scan it still, over and over. Hoping. The wind blows a warm breeze that hurts my skin and stings my eyes and there is no direction I can turn to provide shelter from the exposure, yet I slowly turn around over and over. Hoping.


Osbasso said...

Welcome back! Hope you got the clarity you needed. Though it doesn't sound like it....

Lori said...

This is haunting.

It is nice to see your writing here. I miss reading your words...and want you to be well, happy, whole.


Rebecca said...

Hey Mel -
Hope you're having a wonderful summer thus far. Glad to see you posting again! Miss you....

Tim said...

M: Hope everything is all right with you. Take care and have a happy 4th. Be safe.