Thursday, August 02, 2007

What Is That Like?

In conversation with a friend last night and let's preface this writing by saying that this friend is Jim, whom you all might remember as the man I dated and loved quite dearly last year and with whom now I am building a respectful friendship based on mutual respect of character

Anyway, I digress

In this conversation we were catching up, discussing our lives and happenings over the last few months since we saw each other. It was as comforting a conversation as is a quilt on a rainy day. It was honest and loving and we listened - to each other - we respected what the other feels and is experiencing in life. To that end, we discussed a person very dear to Jim, the very person who's shadow I could not eclipse and the reason we were never meant to be more than we were

He said something so wonderful and so profound that I wept over the words this morning. I wept for his sense of loss and I wept for the illusive in my life because I realize that men do love, and there are soulmates out there for each of us

His beautiful words - "I truly believe I was put on this Earth to love her. I was made for her." For me - to know that this is true, that a man can actually feel that level of emotion for a woman gives me great hope for the future, and a renewal that men are sometimes more than we give them credit for

This man, my friend, is one of those men, and a giant among them. I am proud to call you my very dearest and I am glad we have found this spot to stand in support and friendship. I truly wish you well



oregoncelticlady said...

You are just a very beautiful woman, Melissa!!!! You ahve an amazing heart!

Kelly Sadosky said...

It's a sweet spot to be at this place with one another. Being friends is wonderful. Having the benefit of that and less arguements ;) It's mature of you both. And sweet...and lots more :)

Tim said...

What a nice post.

I too believe I could feel that way about a woman. Problem is I just have to meet her first....

Thought I had it already but no, I was mistaken.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh woman!!!! I have not visited in a while....I just read your big news! I was scrolling through and are you? Are you happy? That's wonderful!!! I'm here if you need to talk! HUGS!!!


AM said...

It's good to reach this stage, isn't it?
You are one great woman Mel, the baby will be so proud of his mama :D