Good morning! It is a new day and I am over the hump of yesterday. I have some things to accomplish and the sun is shining in that beautiful Fall morning light that makes me feel cozy!
As you all know I have a great group (posse) of 6 girlfriends. We travel together, pray together, look out for each other, share clothes & gossip and act as the family unit for each other as we are all single living a distance away from our families.
The men in my life always hear about "the girls" and generally like them and somehow always seem to make contact with them, I think to have a bit of an "in". Well, I would say that this is a double-edged sword.
You see, not only are we loving of each other we are EXTREMELY protective of each other. It is the mess with the bull and get the horns kind of thing! Well, last night after listening to me tell about my day and seeing me cry over something really thoughtless that someone did. One of the girls took matters on.
You see the man had emailed her earlier in the month, being friendly, chatty, etc. trying to get a bit of an insight from my friends. Well, that coin has another side. Last night I saw an email that she sent him that would melt the skin of a rhino.
Ouch, I would have hated to be the one reading that..... They are waaay meaner than I am. I guess that whole "write and share with the girls" thing backfired on him.
Sorry Joe - you messed with the Bull.....