Do you think I am up for any of this? NO, I really am not and that bugs the crap out of me. You see, there is a man in Tennessee that I want to stand still with, to date, to have a relationship with, to take time to get to know. I feel that if I date other men right now, I will somehow ruin that relationship and that he will hold it against me. He isn't really ready for more with me right now and I am trying to respect that and keep on going so I don't put all my eggs in that one basket - but I really like that one basket!!
So, what do you all think? Do I go for it and start dating, or do I just hang for a while and keep on hoping....
The Bachelorette ;-)
Of course, the guy with the Springer HAS to have the edge... But the cheesy, shirtless picture just about negates that... or does it? :-)
Hey Matty!
I cracked up on the comment!! Yes, I must admit I was more interested in the Springer than the man laying across the bed in his BOXER shorts - LOL.
Everyone, meet Matt. He was once a "date" and now a great friend!!! Love ya Matty!!
Thanks for the intro, Mel... Your the best... :-*
I think you should take it slow no matter which way you go. If you are ready for more then you should go out on a few social dates, depending on the level of commitment and reciprocation you get from Tennessee man and what you think his reaction will be.
Still though, I would be careful with internet dating sites, like match.com. Personally, I've tried most of them with little or no success. Eharmony is the best relationship site that I've used because of their careful screening and matching system.
Hmmm. Well....if Mr. Tennessee is saying he wants to keep things as they are, which sounds like from this post is noncommittal...then there's no harm in spending time with other people; so long as you are open and honest with everyone as you go along. :)
It IS hard when you really like one person, but if he's being honest with you - then you have to be true to yourself. And that doesn't mean you have to eat dinners alone either! ;)
I think date and have fun...but what do I know!!!! *laugh* Although, I DO know that #5 shirt guy should have cut the blonde out of the pic a little more carefully!!! :-)
I think you might like the poem I just posted!
Hey Oregon Lady,
#5 Bachelor was just on Oprah! LOL!!! They were doing a show on Men and dating and single women over 35, etc. and there he was, floppy Hugh Grant hair and all.
I emailed him thanks but I am sure he is gonna be a busy boy now that he is famous - ha ha ha!
All the while I am over here thinking about Greg who won't even make a plan to see me the next time and my date offers are going on national television! What's wrong with me ;-)
I think YOU should write to OPRAH and get an episode going!!!
Nothing wrong with you at all!!! Men are just rather dense, I think! Did you ever notice in high school, when there was a dance when the girls asked the guys (The Snowball in our town) that the couples were oh, so much more fabulous and made so much more sense!!! It should be the same during adult dating! :-)
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