Saturday, April 21, 2007


I believe the last of the in and out cold weather has been felt and the days ahead will hold nothing but warm, welcoming days!

Maggie and I just returned home from the last of today's workout sessions, a great 1.5 mile walk around Historic Brookhaven. I started this morning at the gym with Bernard (the sadist) warming up with a 1/2 mile walk then on to tons of push ups, sit ups, tricep and bicep work, shoulders and boxing. The boxing part was great and I pack a pretty mean punch compared to Lynn who was working out with me. Then I hit the Precor for 30 minutes of fat burning range cardio before stumbling out of the gym in search of a protein shake and a chair ;-) I am really trying to burn away that last 10 pounds that has taken up residence in my stomach and butt and trust me, I will fin the fight!

My lower back is so much better just since I started dancing again - it is amazing! I had a great 90 minute neuro-muscular massage with lots of table stretching by yet another sadist - Renard. he is amazing and works on the Falcons sports team. Needless to say the man has some moves that will bring you up off the table with an "ouch" but he wont stop until that muscle band lets go and you end up feeling completely relaxed and without any tension.

I am beginning to wonder if I really need to take three months away from work. I am feeling the need to produce something, but I will make myself take this time for me and really work on the things I love and the things that need improvement. I have a goal to attain before my 39th birthday, which is where the three months came into play.

As I was walking tonight I was trying to clear out a few lingering cobwebs from my mind in preparation for my Tuesday's with David, which will actually be Wednesday this week. I want to make some resolutions about things and move forward. Understanding "why" in life is a difficult thing, as is realizing that sometimes you just have to let go of the rope and fall.

I did a lot of Dr. appointments in the last couple of weeks, things I had been putting off in lieu of work and being away from home a lot last year. Skin is good, Cholesterol is great, no communicable diseases of any kind, good boobs and no tumors to be "checked out" this time, teeth are clean and sparkly with no cavities, eyes see just fine, thyroid levels are finally in balance and discussions about life change are well underway and understood.

I guess all in all it has been a productive and enlightening few weeks. I am glad I took the time to take care of myself. The benefits are already being felt.

I hope you all are well and happy where life finds you tonight!


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