Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Save Me From Myself

I have been "retired" for a month now "officially". I have made lists and lists of things to do and have done most of them. I have also gone through every closet and drawer in the house and organized them over and over - tightening down each time I find something that needs to be grouped with something else of it's kind. I have put cedar "flowers" on my Coats for goodness sake and put my good suits and cocktail dresses in plastic bags. Oh, and on Sunday I color-coordinated my closet and then organized it by sleeve length, pants length, etc. I have COLOR COORDINATED my closet. Somebody needs to save me from myself!!! Might be time to go back to work. How am I ever gonna last till August???

xoxo, Bug


Anonymous said...

Did you organize the eggs by the circumference?

lecram sinun said...

Good Lord! There are support groups that you can call. lol!

Cheryl said...

Ummm..., my place could use a little help. Wanna come visit? I'll put you to work. :)

Anonymous said...

I just have to add my 2 cents. I admire you so much Mel. I struggle to be organized and I usually don't succeed. I have big plans but stuff just keeps getting in the way. I aquired most of the marital things from the divorce and I have crammed a 2 story house of "stuff" into a small appartment with my boys. On top of working more than full time and taking care of them I am constantly having issues...my latest being my broken leg..LOL. I have to laugh, it's how I hang onto sanity. I let out a loud laugh when I read this thinking....if she only knew how much I envy that organization. HUGS

Mellissa said...

You guys are hilarious.

Lance - no, I did not think of the egg thing..but now that you mention it..lol.

Marcel - I told my "shrinker" about it...he said that most likely the obsessiveness I used to put into my work has now found its way into the house....guess I must have been pretty thorough at work huh - ha ha ha!

Cheryl - o.k. I'll come out. Make it soon, I can't stay retired forever - I will run out of drawers!!

Karen - You are too cute. This type of thing comes in stages...I, like you went from a large home with my husband to a two bedroom apartment. I gave him all all the furniture and started over - I did not want to walk into a mini-version of my old home as I knew it would be too hard on me. I think I took my linens and my All-clad stainless steel and my clothes and personal family items. I gave him the rest. He needed it more than I. It was also less clutter ;-)
