Friday, July 13, 2007

Honor, Love, Dignity, Hope

My life over the past few months has been a Kaleidoscope of emotions and events. As each part of my new life unfolded, it seemed as though my perfectly composed colored tile path was being broken apart, and becoming a mosaic - a pattern unknown to me and lacking order. I was scared and falling apart and desperate to return to what I knew.

Piece by piece, change was taking place. I was becoming scared of this new chapter of life presenting itself to me. I was reacting, responding, running, and scared. I kept looking to another to "rescue" me from this unfamiliar place, yet no rescue came. You can read about my fears in my post about standing alone in a field. That was about a dream I was having each night when I went to sleep.

It does not matter our age in relation to our fears and insecurities over life events. We are never prepared for loss or new life or financial changes or love that does not blossom fully. What we do have though is a benevolent God. We have one who never leaves us, who when we finally turn towards shore is standing there, arms outstretched to wrap us in warmth and security.

I had the dream again last night. However it was different this time as someone was standing there. I think He had been there the whole time. I just was not focused on Him, choosing to look further out on the horizon than necessary for the help I needed.

I awoke with more resolve today, with a greater peace and a humble heart. The following words were left etched into my thoughts. Live with HONOR and don't compromise your values, continue to LOVE with an open heart as it is the greatest of all gifts, keep your DIGNITY intact, no one can undervalue your morals unless you give them the chance, and finally, keep HOPE inside your heart that tomorrow will be fulfilling and filled with Grace and love and all things according to My plan for your life.

I have a new plan in my life, a plan which I will enact with Honor, Love, Dignity and Hope. I can see the image in my mosaic now and realize that God is creating a masterpiece at my feet.



lecram sinun said...

I once told a friend that if life is a journey... then we just need those roadside "Burma Shave" type signs along the way every once in a while to remind us why to keep us going.

Tim said...
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Tim said...

"Life is a journey..... unfortunately I lost the directions."

Sometimes I feel this way, too.

Lost, hopeless, adrift.

Sounds like there is new wind in your sails pointing you towards the shore...

Lori said...

It sounds like things are looking up for you and I'm glad! Keep your eyes on the light and your focus on these four virtues and you will come out shining.

Kelly Sadosky said...

I am happy to read this post.

Kelly Sadosky said...


What finish did you get? Online it shows the velvet is no longer available because of it's popularity. Also, do the stores sell this, or just online?