Monday, October 10, 2005

Chez Vous - Chez Moi - Encore

I have not been to see you since April. It is time to go - I can feel it.

I need culture and to feed the parts of me that I love. I need Vivaldi at midnight and steak tartar and a great bottle of Cotes Du Sud and conversation on the impressionists. I need to walk your streets, the ones am so very familiar with - like my own neighborhood - and just feel you again.

I need Petrusse and a Metro schedule and an umbrella in my bag for the moments that you blow kisses of rain and a bit of fall wind in my direction.

I need to walk St. Germain and go to my favorite shop for soap and a visit with the owner of the shop who knows just what I like. I need to wake up early and wander the streets of Le Marais - my favorite - and visit a boulangiere for a fresh baguette and butter to tuck into my bag as I make my way along the Seine towards Notre Dame.

I walk through you now as an old friend, not a visitor. You are not a stranger to me or a distant pen pal. We have a connection you and I. It was in your parks that I felt again. I miss you and will see you soon - it is time for our Fall reunion.

Je vous aime la belle ville - jusque-là !