Wednesday, February 09, 2005

My Dad - A Repost

Last night I was speaking with a friend and we were discussing children - most notably the father-daughter relationship and how fragile that is - as men are as intimidated of their daughters and daughters are intimidated by their fathers. Growing up, I can tell you that my dad did not know what I thought about things, as we were just different and I think he was intimidated by the wellspring of emotion I have as a girl (aren't most men)!! 

Daughters just need love and the example of loving from our fathers. We don't need them to be best friends or buddies. We need strength and support and calm presence. One we know will never leave us. So although my dad could not talk "girl shop" with me, he gave me an even greater gift. I remembered this post I wrote about my father and thought it would be appropriate to re-post it today. Mellissa 


I have been spending a few days at home working on some projects. Today I was on my front porch refinishing a desk that my dad made for me 5 years ago. The wax finish was in need of removal and a new coat will be applied soon.   As I was removing the stain from the underside of the desk, I saw the words "Rear Back" written in carpenters my father's handwriting. As I sanded the areas around it, I could not bring myself to sand away his writing. I simply chose instead to leave it there as a reminder for years to come of a great man who I love and respect so very much. 

I thought about only my dad as I finished working on the desk and would like to share with you a little about him. George Donald - or Don as my Mom calls him is a lovely person with hands as thick as a plank and a jokester. He has loved and been a faithful companion to my mother for over 40 years and is my example of a Christian man. We are all blessed to have been raised by him. My dad taught me my work ethic and that success should be balanced with giving and that blessings to come to those who strive for excellence in all things, love the Lord with all their heart, and treat others with respect. My father has been a faithful champion of the missionaries of the world, paying to support pastors in foreign countries, building churches in third-world communities and doing small acts of kindness to those who never knew where the generosity came from. 

He is a mountain among men. He has been blessed in his life with success and love and I know all of those things are his because he truly puts God first in his life. Daddy, I love you - I love the desk you made for me and I thank you for leaving that little bit of yourself behind for me to discover today. It reminded me that sometimes the best things in life are not store bought, they are hand made. Thank you for loving us the way you do. Thank you for making me believe that there is nothing in this world that is outside my reach or capabilities. I owe so much of who I am today to you and the home you created for our family. You have my forever admiration and I hope one day to have a love like the one you share with our Mother. 


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