Sunday, August 07, 2005


I have post operative Hypothyroidism. That just means that they are having a hard time getting my body to absorb my medication and I have my blood taken every few months to monitor how I am doing.

For those of you who have no idea what a "thyroid" is....It is a butterfly shaped gland that sits at the base of your neck and controls your body's metabolism. It also ties into your adrenal glands, pituitary and endocrine system. Under active or Hypo thyroid means your body does not produce enough hormone to keep you going and your entire body slows down - sort of like starvation mode. Hyper thyroidism means you are getting too much and your eyes bulge out and you are speedy (adrenal response).

Anyway, two years ago I had a complete tyroidectomy and now rely on my meds to run the show. I am just thankful that I did not have thyroid cancer as the feared, so I will take the rest as it comes. In the past two years, I have lost nearly 40 pounds of the weight I had gained when I had a non-functioning thyroid. It has not been easy, but I am doing just fine and am really proud of myself. Losing that much weight when it takes twice the effort of a "normal" person is no easy feat.

I have about 10 pounds more to go and have been behind schedule on that because of working too much, paying attention to others needs ahead of my own again and trying to maintain some semblance of order in my life.

But all-in-all I am feeling great and I think I look pretty good too. I won't give up on getting my shape back. But at least a shape is not all I have!

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