Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Holding Up A Little Mirror

I cannot imagine what it must be like, the pride one must feel when looking at their child. Especially when the child is a mirror image of your own face. I met someone recently that was the exact replica of their father. It was such an amazing likeness that I am still pondering on it in amazement.

I just keep thinking about the wonder of looking across the room into a mirror of yourself. Sometimes it is physical, sometimes it is the actions that are the same, but I gotta tell you - I think that would be about the best confirmation and the biggest release of love ever felt.

I know you parents out there get tired and have to deal with little attitudes and messes and financial stuff and fears and a bag load of stuff....but when it all feels like too much - think of my words, and look across the room into that little mirror of yourself....and say "thank you"....God gave you the greatest gift he could. Lucky you!


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