Thursday, May 03, 2007

REPOST - I Wanna Know What Love Is: You Asked....

I wrote this post originally a couple of years ago when someone emailed me asking me to describe what love is to me.

I wanted to repost this today just for me. There are many, many things I could write and feelings I should write down about Greg, my ex-husband, etc., etc. but I don't want to waste anymore of my life looking back. One of my motto's in life is "If "ifs" and "buts" were sugar and nuts, it would be Christmas every day!" So no more ifs for me, no more buts, just acceptance and closure. This post is merely a reminder that love is a wonderful thing. It is "the" thing that matters in life and the source of all goodness.

I will never give up trying to find this in my life. No matter how many times I get hurt, I will get back up again and move forward.


So you want to know about love? I cannot tell you all of the intricacies of it, or what love is for others, but this is what love is to me.

Love is the warmest color you can imagine, it is the emotional equivalent of the goosebumps on your arm. It is the thought that makes you smile and the depth of who you are as a person. Love is the way your cheeks flush just a little when they reach for you, or your blood pressure rises just a little when they call to check on you - and you realize your are connected in thought.

Love is the tear that you shed when the emotion builds to a crescendo, whether it be from happiness or pain or loss, the emotion builds and spills over for them...and them alone. Love is the response they illicit in you, the untapping of the wellspring in your heart.

Love is when you would put their needs before your own without realizing you have even done it, it is the unconscious care and selfless provision you give to another. For me, love is the biggest thing in life. Serving, loyalty, care, concern, kindness, thoughtfulness, knowing, compassion, steadfastness, reaching, consuming.

So in closing, you see that love in the right way can be placed into any situation.
The ability to love is our humanity - my ability to love and to believe in true goodness is the greatest gift God gave to me. I cherish this about myself the most - I guess you could say - I love that part of me ;-)

Happy Friday!!!

1 comment:

Tim said...

mellissa: Aaaah, first to comment!

I suppose I hadn't found your blog yet whrn you originally posted this. I couldn't agree more.

You write, "Love is when you would put their needs before your own without realizing you have even done it, it is the unconscious care and selfless provision you give to another."

This is so true. When you love someone to the extent that you would give everything you had for someone else is a very peaceful, calm and reassuring thought.

I find it comforting to reflect on what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13 and that unconditional and undeserved love that God has for us, demonstrated in His ultimate sacrifice. And that this sacrifice sets the standard of love which we should always strive to attain.