Saturday, April 29, 2006

Keep It Behind Your Teeth

I can't stand it when women act sullen, snappy, guarded and withdrawn and expect it to just be o.k. because when asked if they are o.k. they say "I have PMS" and expect that to be a Get Out Of Jail Free card to continue on with negative behavior.

Ladies, let me tell you something. I perfectly understand the PMS thing and I get in a bad mood from time to time myself. However, if I am a big pill, I stay at home if possible, I eat chocolate, wear my comfy clothes and wait for the storm to pass as it always does. I don't go around with my 'tude on my shoulder and just expect folks to play along because my estrogen is wobbly.

If you are in a wicked mood and can't concentrate on what someone is saying, put your caveat out there early and say - "my concentration is for crap", "what did you say?" instead of being hateful and snapping at someone because you weren't really paying attention to the conversation. Your lack of interest is what is going on around you, being said around you is not everyone else's' fault, or because they can't speak your language or have suddenly become stupid and a bad communicator. It is because you have estrogen stuck in your ears.

My advice, and I can TOTALLY say this because I am a girl. Go home and take some Midol, drink a glass of wine and watch a chick flick - and hibernate till your winter passes and then come on back out to play....

Don't just don your PMS shield and go out to assault the rest of the unsuspecting. Being rude is being rude plain and simple. Life is complicated enough for all of us, and no one needs to add your minefield to walk in.

Ladies, sometimes you just have to put your big girl panties on and DEAL with it.


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