Monday, April 16, 2007

Getting in the Dirt

These past few days were spent in Jackson, Tennessee playing in the yard with Greg. We planned all the flower beds, made lots of trips to Home Depot and Lowe's, dug, watered, mulched and made little piece of heaven on earth.
We would go out there for hours and sweat in the late afternoon sun, laughing and busting on each other and lingering over what we had made until the sun went down, appreciating our handiwork in stages, each day watching it grow to completion. We would head in the house for a quick cool shower and some supper and then fall into bed tired and satisfied with ourselves and planning on what to do the next day. I love times like that. It is what makes life sweet.
It was so much fun to make his back patio and flower beds look beautiful. I was so happy to see him smiling and appreciating the way it all came together. I think it is important to make a house a home, and nothing gives more satisfaction than stepping outside to a beautifully landscaped area. Greg has this now, and I hope something to think of me by each time he steps out his back door.

Oh, and for the ladies - It sure was a motivator to work in the yard when this is part of the view ;-) (((((sigh)))))) Can ya'll say GOODNESS GRACIOUS....yeah, thought you could!!


Southern Sweetheart said...


oregoncelticlady said...

GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! Just look at God's great creation!!!!! *sigh*

You are a mean one, Miss Bug!!!! Taunting us with THAT!!!!! *laugh*

Anonymous said...

*whistle* Luck you!

Rebecca said...

Very nice.......!
Both the landscaping and the "man candy". ;) hahaha, kidding.

I still think he sort of looks like McDreamy!!!

Corey Webb said...

I found your blog again recently and I must tell you that I enjoy reading your writings and the one your wrote about your dog got me way back when and it got me again tonight. Best regards and may life treat you well.

Corey Webb

BHWS / BHWG said...

Hi Mellisa -
Okay, first off -- Greg still looks like McDreamy to me. ;)

How are you? I have to say -- my life has been inside out, upside down and round'and 'round the last year so I've been quite MIA. Tonight, as I have a glass of Rose before bed I'm quickly blog surfing to all my "faves" to say hi!

You'd be very sad to hear your shoe soul sistah can NOT wear heels at her new job!! I try and try - but I end up in flip flops almost every day. Being on hardwood floors and stocking wine and working the cheese case sure makes it difficult to wear pretty fancy heels. Boots in the winter work - but fun summer shoes, ugh... it's heart breaking!

I hope you and your beautiful baby are happy, healthy and doing well.

Love to you both,

Rebecca said...

AAgh, sorry- I was logged in as my store. It's just me -- "I'm just a girl...". :) You knew who I was anyway... ;)