Thursday, July 26, 2007

I've Decided

I woke up this morning and decided to be happy. I have wonderful friends, and people who reach out to me unexpectedly and bring a smile to my face; reminding me that I am truly cared for. I thought I would say a few thanks.

1. Mom & Dad - How did I get so lucky to have you as parents? I can only hope to emulate your example in life for my own child. You are my anchor in stormy seas and you did not chastise me when I was crying and just hugged me and made me feel safe against the world. To my Dad especially, I know it isn't easy to see me struggle right now, but thank you for comforting me in the ways you know how. I see why mom loves you so much. You are the master protector.

2. To Daniel - Thank you for just listening to me and allowing me to open up my heart. Thank you for understanding how I think and for being there and offering support if I need it. Just to have you say it helped me feel I would be o.k. until I am back up and running at full speed!!!

2. Angie - From day one you encouraged me and smiled and you were EXCITED for me and said it would be o.k. . Thank you for the laughs and the lunches and the emails and text messages just to check in and let me know you are thinking about me. You are a great friend and I miss seeing you.

3. Pascale - The most modern thinker who allows me to be traditional. Thank you for bolstering who I am and re-enforcing my decision when I did not know where to turn or what to do. Your voice on the phone gave me the encouragement I needed the day I felt I couldn't go on a moment longer in this scenario. You were the first to know about the Baby, you are always my first call - and my best friend. Thank you.

4. Isabel - Madrid is so far away and I will miss your wedding in France next week - but you will return home soon enough and we will raise our children together. I look forward to that!! Thanks for the laughs and sharing the mommy bond with me.

5. Jamie - You can't know how much your invitation to dinner last Friday night meant to me. I had been home crying and feeling really sad when you pinged me to meet you for supper. Thank you for treating me to dinner, and for being such a good friend to me. You are a gem.

6. Osbasso -  From sending me flowers on my birthday from so far away to emailing me just to say hello and make me smile. You are always a bright spot in my day - and in my life.

To everyone else who has written to congratulate and who cheers me on. Thank you too!! I look forward to these happy days ahead. I have a big appointment for the baby tomorrow - I get to see her (?) and hear her heartbeat for the first time. I am really excited for that moment. Please say a little prayer for us that all will be well and we hear a LOUD and healthy heartbeat fill the room.



Unknown said...
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Mellissa said...

Dear "Freestyle",

I don't claim to try to "sell" my gifts. I simply write how I feel. If you don't like it, I invite you to kiss my pregnant butt.

Nashville eh? Nice city you write from.

siobhan said...

Glad to hear you sounding chirpy. Such a happy and grateful post.

Mellissa said...

Dear "Freestyle"...

I see that you have deleted your comment.....

Was it something I said???

Mellissa said...

Hi S!!!

Hope you are well today ;-) I wish I could pop 'round to see you!! My friend Mark is having his annual BBQ party just outside London on August 4th. Unfortunatley I won't make it this year...but if I did I would definitly come over for a visit with you!!!


oregoncelticlady said...

What a wonderful, fun day you will have "meeting" your baby bug!!!! =)

Oh, and ithink being cheeky (above) is a GREAT sign!!!! ;-)

Mellissa said...


Hope all is well out there in your corner of the map!!

I must admit, I felt more like my old smary pants self today - and you are right - it is SUCH as good sign that I have, indeed, turned a corner ;-)

Watch out world!!

Hugz to Dancing Girl!!


Osbasso said...

"...kiss my pregnant butt..." This is one of the reasons I love you!

Thanks for including me. As an internets-related friend, it really does mean alot to me. Wait until I send you flowers just for the hell of it! You won't know WHAT to do with me!

Lori said...


You will get to 'meet' your baby on a special day - my daughter's 18th birthday! (And I do think you're going to have a girl!)

An exciting and beautiful day ahead. Just the beginning of many.

May God bless you both!

Tim said...

oooh ultrasounds and the resulting pictures are so cool. I wish they'd give them to you as a jpeg file so you could email everyone (and post it on your blog).

Do you want to know the sex before the baby is born or would you rather be surprised?

Boy or girl, here's to a happy, healthy heartbeat tomorrow, a moment you'll never forget....

Mellissa said...

I am really excited and very nervous all at the same time!!! They will give me a printout of the Ultrasound pictures and I will scan them in and post 'em if there is anything to see.

I would like to know the baby's sex before birth, and since I will have amnio at 16 weeks I will know for sure - whether the ultrasounds shows the "goodies" or not.


Oh, and LORI - please tell your sweet girl HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mellissa--I am looking forward to hearing great news tomorrow & seeing those ultrasound pictures. I will be praying for you & your baby. By the way--I think you're having a girl too...:)
I'm really glad to see that you're feeling better today--you've got a lot on your plate right now, but you're going to be an amazing mom. Keep your chin up & know that you have lots of friends who are wishing you the best. Take care, Carrie

oregoncelticlady said...

At the mini-goddess;' sonogram, she left NO DOUBT that she was a girl....just spread eagle for all the world to see (funny memory)!!!! Good thing that she is actually quite modest during her stay in the outside world!!! =)