Thursday, July 19, 2007


I know that many of you who read my Blog (thank you) have been wondering what the change has been with me over the last few months. I have not been posting as much, or my writing has been cryptic and out of place. Some of the things I wrote that people thought were about someone else was really about me, my feelings - fears and life.

I have experienced emotions and the depths of pain and elation over the past three months that I did not know could exist in this lifetime. I have experienced feelings of isolation and fear and also joy and overwhelming awe. I have been discriminated against with employment and had my security taken away in my ability to earn my living right now. I will re-build and find a new path to the top of the mountain - all with God's help.

You see, there is something larger - something infinitely more special with me now. It is more precious than the pain I have felt, it is larger than the fear I face, it is the gift above all gifts in this life. Rainer Rilke, I think, said it best in an excerpt from his poem....

"For one human being to love another:
that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks;
the ultimate, the last test and proof,
the work for which all other work is but preparation."
Rainer Maria Rilke

As I write this today, I do not write alone. There is a second creative force in me and I am falling in love.....and my life to this point has been preparation to accept this gift. I am going to be a mother. Three months are up, and I am pleased to share my news with you. Thank you all for the friendship and the support which always encourages and lifts me when life finds me in awkward places. I have been keeping a Blog for the Baby Bug and will post a link on the sidebar shortly. Welcome to this new chapter.



Anonymous said...

Mellissa--God bless you & your baby. I am praying for you and know that you are going to be a wonderful mother. You are such a strong person and I look forward to hearing more about this exciting part of your life. There is no joy greater than being a mother. ~Carrie

Lori said...

wow...I wondered if this was the case, and I know you must be dealing with all kinds of emotions. But you are about to embark on the most incredible, scary, loving, all-encompassing adventure! There are many jobs out there for women who are - and are going to be - mothers. Do not dismay. You have been given a gift and God is beside you every step of the way.


Tim said...

That is wonderful news!! I suppose congratulations are in order! Being a first time parent can be scary and daunting, but I can tell you the joys far outway the sorrows.

I hope the father of the baby will somehow be involved. Single parenting is tough.

God Bless you and the baby.

Matt said...

Hey there, Miss Mel... Been thinking about you a lot since we chatted. I can only imagine the feelings of being overwhelmed, of being tested by circumstance and how quickly it can all change. But I know that you are strong and well-prepared by life and your friends and family to face this chapter with courage, strength, and love. And in doing so, I am sure you will continue inspire others to do and be the same for themselves and those whom they love.

xoxo Matt

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Melissa...that is wonderful news. Take Care of yourself. :)

oregoncelticlady said...

Truly such an amazing blessing! When baby bug is in your arms....can't even describe it but I am sooo excited for you!!!

Kelly Sadosky said...

That is the best news I've heard all day!!!!!!!!! Weeee hoooo!!!!
(I like to push baby strollers, so anytime you need a break... :)

Osbasso said...

I'm glad you finally announced it! Now you'll see how much support you've got from this merry band of strangers!

Mellissa said...

Hi Guys,

Thank you for all the sweet comments. Today is the first smile in a long while.

I have returned home to Atlanta and am fighting to get back up again and go forward - and be HAPPY and joyful over the news and the love I am going to have in my life from the Baby Bug!!!


siobhan said...

I can't express how happy I am for you. Take care of yourself and the baby bug.

Tim said...

do you want a boy or a girl? You must have a preference???

or does it really matter, as long as it is healthy and has the requisite number of limbs, fingers and toes....

When my first was born, I really wanted a boy, but God decided I needed a daughter first. The boy came second. In either case, ex and I were filled with joy at a new life!!!

Kelly Sadosky said...

Just wanted to say hello today! Have a nice weekend!

lecram sinun said...

Be well, my friend. :)

Cosima said...

What wonderful news, Melissa, my congratulations!

I have always loved the quote by Rainer Maria Rilke, it is very true.

Don't despair over your job situation. I was in a very similar one when I had my son. Out of change rises opportunity. Concentrate on your baby and yourself, enjoy every minute of it. When little bug is big enough, you will find other opportunities, and if other people don't offer them to you, create your own. I don't know you very well, but by reading your blog, I just know that you are a strong person who will be fine.

AM said...

Wonderful news Mel, a great blessing in the midst of all what you're going through ...
*hugging you*

Stephanie Klein said...

What wonderful and exciting news. I'm so happy for you. You have an incredible journey ahead of you, and please tell anyone who says, "get sleep while you can" or other such cutesy things, to go f off. Even the hard parts are magical. I'm so excited for you!

Bonadea said...

Hi Laybug, I'm so excited for the good news! However complicated and painful it may be, this little baby bug is the greatest gift of your life! I have no doubt that you will be a wonderful mother. Take care of yourself.

Rebecca said...


How wonderful!!!!!!!

I'm tickled pink for you. And sending you lots of love and happiness for you and your little bundle. :)