Monday, August 13, 2007

Doing The Best You Can

It is o.k. to struggle and to ponder and to feel injustice when injustice is served to you. It is permissible to say I struggle to stay positive each day. Honesty is honorable - reach out for help if you need it and don't be afraid or embarrassed. We ALL need help this way - no person is completely without need of support. It is o.k. to say I have been let down and I do not trust. 

To say it is to acknowledge your feelings and through acknowledgement and understanding we learn how to avoid those who will let us down. Speak your truth to those you trust and do not let yourself be put down repeatedly by another. They point out the weakness in themselves in what they portray onto you. Use their words as a mirror into their soul - and when they show you who they are - believe them and walk away. 

Hold your head high if you are worthy and have been honorable and remove yourself from what hurts your heart. It is o.k. to want. It is o.k. to hold onto your value system and to hope. It is wise to dream of something better and to hold yourself and others to a higher standard of morality and kindness. You do not have to apologize to society for wanting better than the average we have lowered ourselves to. You do not have to live a lie to meet the needs of another, or pretend that less than 100% is o.k. if it is not. 

I know that I will not bend to it any longer, I will hold my truths as the measuring stick of my life. I will not allow life to run me over or those who live in false pretense and lower standards to influence my life. I might have to go to therapy, I might have to take a little pill each day to cope, I might have to pray to God each day for the strength to get out of bed and put my feet on the ground. I might have to humble myself before each person I know to get the help I need - but I tell you this. I WILL NOT BEND, I WILL NOT PRETEND, I WILL NOT SETTLE for the leftovers of life - and pretend it is enough - and to anyone else who reads this - neither should you. 

Take care - and please, be honorable to each other. Love with an open heart, don't inflict harm on another, don't withhold yourself from those who need you. It is the worst of humanity the suffering we cause each other. 


1 comment:

Tim said...

"....I WILL NOT BEND, I WILL NOT PRETEND, I WILL NOT SETTLE for the leftovers of life - and pretend it is enough..."

Awesome. Totally awesome.

Much easier said than done though.... gotta battle through every day.... but it CAN BE DONE!!

I'm insipred now...