Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Gore's Are A Wonderful Thing.

I have this little favorite word from Evan. It is "gore". He is a boy and I am a gore. That is how he currently says girl, and it is the only word that isn't correct in his vocabulary....well, except for "choo choo frain" and "clayground."

He came home tonight and over supper announced that I am a girl, like squirrel and sounded it out proudly over and over and secretly I was really mad at his dad for correcting him because it is one more little piece of him that grew up.

I never realized the tug between loving what you see as your child grows, and absolutely trying to hold onto the smallness of them for infinity. I especially feel this way because I will never have another child and I know this was a blessing I never dreamed possible for myself.

So last night, I was mad at Greg for taking away a little piece of my baby....there are so few things left of that time now that he is 3. Besides, I really liked being a GORE!


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