Saturday, June 11, 2005

I Want To Go

I have the itch again - that is what it is. I have been home for a couple of months now, and the travel bug is nipping at my heels. Do you ever feel the urge to just get on a plane and haul off? A friend (:-) of mine has the ability to cut and run any time - that must be a nice feeling. However, the double-edged sword of that is that he is on an airplane all the time so getting off of it is the break that most of us look for when we want to get on one!

I think that is humorous and is what I returned from lunch thinking about. I wish he would ask me to cut and run with him. I would be a great partner in crime - and when you can bring your love life along with you in your overnight bag, there is never the missing element. Isn't travel so much more fun when you have someone to share it with and compare notes with and scheme about the next days activities with?

Well, my weekend is going to consist of cleaning out my attic and getting ready for a move that will have to take place over the next couple of months and considering I want to get away for the 4th of July weekend I better get at it. But, if the opportunity to go were presented I would drop that attic lickety chic lickety split.

I want to smell jet fuel again......

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