Friday, March 03, 2006

Perpetual Victim

Why is it that some people play the perpetual victim? Is it easier to point fingers at everyone around you, or to just sit down, point the finger at yourself and say "I am responsible for this".

If your history repeats itself time and time again, perhaps you need to look at the source of the problem. If you see that you are the common denominator, take steps to be accountable for that and be honest with yourself and others.

I think it is so easy to say "they" did this to me or "they" caused me to be broken, etc. This works well on strangers and the unsuspecting - for a while. Then it all catches up with you as people connect the dots that spell out "Perpetual Victim" and shake their heads.

I am so glad that I can say I made some bad choices, that I own. No one "did" this to me. I did it to myself. No one needs to come and rescue me from my burning house. I am strong, and able to walk away from that fire using my own strength and health. I am not a victim. I am a survivor.

So no more gushy posts about my past or looking backwards. If you could see the amazing view before me you would understand why.

Inventory taken, closets and drawers cleaned - and I am in a good space. Have a great weekend everyone and I will see you back next week!


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