Sunday, March 26, 2006

What We Don't See

I just finished writing an email to a friend and fellow Blogger whom I think quite a lot of. Reading their words really caused me to stop for a moment and think about what we don't see in people.

We rush through our days, so busy...on to the next item on our list. When we meet people, we are so busy and just take them at face presentation. Rarely do we take the time to look deeper, to pause for a moment and take in the fullness of the person.

So many Bloggers and friends have reached out to me with stories from their personal lives that have changed me forever - you have changed me and left an imprint on my heart.

Last year when I started Blogging, I had no idea of the valuable relationships I would form with a group of wonderful people.

Even though we have never met, I want each of you that I correspond with to know how much your words of encouragement have meant to me, and how much showing me what most people don't get to see has changed my life.

It has made me more aware, more tender in my heart to my friends, and more available to look past the persona of someone into the person.

For those of you who read this and know what I mean....thank you for entrusting a part of yourselves with me. Thank you for the friendship, and thank you for shaping my heart. Thank you for trusting your personal stories with me and for reminding me of "What we don't see" in others.

For those of you who read here, I hope that you too will take a moment this week and be there for someone else. We cannot imagine what is going on with the person next to us, their smile might just be hiding a world of pain.

Let's all be still for a moment and really begin to absorb what is all around us. Be emotionally safe for someone, be a pillar of strength, be a calm and safe spot in a crazy world.


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