Saturday, June 03, 2006

For Teri in Texas - In Memorium

Tonight I received an email that has broken my heart and shaken me to the core. I am unsettled, angry and very, very sad. Seven months ago, I met a woman named Teri who had been reading my blog. While it is a long story to tell and it is too painful to write at this moment, I will say that she was lovely. She had escaped an abusive relationship, reunited with her brother, survived a great ordeal and was in the process of re-building her life. I was proud of her, and proud to be her friend. Although we never met, her emails always brought a smile to my face.

About a month ago she wrote me and I returned the email with a great deal of advice tendered with love. I never got a reply and was thinking about this just before my trip away. I was missing her and thought of sending a note her way but decided to hold off as she may have needed some time to digest what we had spoken of.

That email will never be returned - Teri was murdered two weeks ago. This is not supposed to happen - she was trying, she was rebuilding and she was wounded by life - she just wanted to start over and be happy, to have her job and a new love in her life.

Please say a prayer for her family and those she loved. I will never forget her...never. I am re-posting my Blog from February 15th of this year in her honor. Teri, I am sorry this happened to you dearest, sweet woman.


This is my prayer tonight and what is on my heart. May all those who read these words keep this prayer in motion each day.

Dear God,

Watch over her and bring her peace and healing. Send Angels to walk on either side of her, and Arc Angels to guard her from ahead and behind.

Lift her spirit more each day and bless her efforts of recovery and renewal. Grant wisdom for the future; grace for the past and loving arms to hold her at the end of each day. Fill her soul with the comfort of your voice and place her firmly in the circle of love that you created for each of us.


We are one my sweet sister, please know that although we have never met, I am walking this journey with you in my heart and on my knees.

May God bless and keep you. May God shine his light upon you and give you peace.

With respect and affection,


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