Friday, June 16, 2006

Oh REALLY Now.....

It is 7 a.m. and I am having my morning coffee and surf....I pinged Pascale (for those of you who don't know her.....scroll down some posts) on Yahoo Messenger to have our morning catch up.

This is the excerpt of our conversation:

Bug: Hello
Bug: I loaded Skype again on my computer
Bug: I am thinking of ditching Yahoo
Pascale: I saw it.
Pascale: Don't disturb me reading your blog
Bug: oh REALLY now -
Bug: well there is a first.

So now it is official. My friends don't want to chat with me because they are busy "reading" about me. I wish I were closer so we could just have a coffee - with the computer turned OFF.

xoxo and love you P!!


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