Monday, September 25, 2006

I would rather you hate me than leave me

Blog note: This post is NOT written about me - rather about my impression of a statement said to me by another. Sometimes my Blog is a newsletter, and other times just a way to write down my thought progression. This is one of those examples...
“Please pray for my foster mother so that she and I can be friends and that she will love me. And for my real parents, please pray that they get what they deserve for abandoning me.”

How can I pray for the woman who beat you repeatedly, who turned her eye to your abuse by men? I don’t have the courage to pray for that request. I instead will pray for her soul and that God has mercy on her when she faces him.

Is it worse to be left behind that to be abused? In some minds, at least negative attention is less painful than being ignored. Not in mine, but then again I don’t have that broken history to live with.

I have been in a relationship that was, at times, verbally abusive. I would have rather had the abandonment than the harshness. At least in solitude there is peace. Luckily, no one in my life has raised a hand to me. God help them if they did, because I am a bit of a hellcat and you would all know me as the woman who “shot that man in the penis” than the sweet, lovable girl I am!

Anyway, I digress. I was thinking tonight on my way home about the levels of abuse we submit people to and are submitted to. I feel very lucky and blessed that while I can dish a heaping spoonful in the direction needed at times, I have never emotionally hurt another. I have never cut someone to the quick and left them to recover while I sat in haughty appreciation of my skills with the verbal knife. I haven’t left someone with words that still come around and threaten their confidence. It is hard to turn the other cheek and I usually find myself reeling by a personal attack – most often less on the defensive than just feeling wounded and betrayed and unable to speak.

So, before I head off to have a bite of dinner and read for a bit, I want to ask each of you who reads this to take stock of yourselves. Please try to give someone in your life a little extra kindness this week. You never know, you might just be the balm that helps heal the wound inside them. There are a lot of walking wounded out there…..

God Bless –



Mellissa said...

I see you all aren't even touching the tuff stuff huh...

Well that's o.k. at least I know you read it...and hopefully are being great little bloggy people this week!!

David said...

I'm not afraid to touch it, or respond. I like what you said. It is hard not to cut people down sometimes, but I don't remember ever really doing it. My ex says I emotionally abused her (via verbal), but when asked for an example she could give only one (a very weak one that was simply a misunderstanding). I won't bore your blog readers with it. I just hate verbaly abusing people. I would rather hit them, but other than my sister I've never done that either. But I can say that I have received the butt end of verbal abuse (mainly in the marriage). It hurts, it sucks, it makes you feel wrong all over. So people don't do it! Think for a second before you lash, even if they do it to you. If you do, usually you both feel worse later. Ok, thanks Mellissa. Read ya' later.
