Monday, September 18, 2006


Do you all know this woman?? I have kind of a sick relationship going on with Nancy Grace. I happen to catch her on CNN and have a really hard time changing the channel even though I feel pretty nauseous just hearing her voice.
She touts herself as a Childrens' Advocate..but really, she is only advocating herself...and her opinion. It is really odd to watch..and you should hear my impersonation of has gotten pretty good...which is a SAD thing. I think her facial expression over there on the left says it all!


Zya said...

She reminds me of an actress on 3 Moons over Milford if you have seen that show... She plays Michelle Graybar. If you haven't seen it, you won't know what I mean! But she gets that look.

Anyway... rambling here ;P

Osbasso said...

You need to check her interview with Elizabeth Smart. You can probably do a search on YouTube. She got shot down pretty good by a teenager!

bricotrout said...

bug, i hadnt been to see you since you changed sites. sorry. ill work my way back to the top of yor posts over the course of the day. i dont use the word 'hate' very often but i do hate this womans show and antics. she is all about touting herself as all supreme, with her 'friend' usage and... and... blah. she simply makes me want to punch my tv!!