"Is it so bad to be vanilla?", I thought in response to your comment. I miss the vanilla moments in my life.
I miss the comfy white cotton underwear and tee shirt, you know, the kind you wear when life is real and you are not trying to be a hot fudge sundae...you are just natural vanilla in its simplistic beauty.
I miss waking up on a Sunday morning, my face fresh from the shower, no makeup painted on like Neapolitan, strawberry for the lips, chocolate for the eyes...I love the days when my man sees me in my purest...my vanilla face. The real me.
I miss looking up in the middle of the night into eyes that know my soul, and hands that know what I love. Nothing spectacular needed to impress, no inventive flavors, no sprinkles for adornment.....You see, for me, when you truly make love - you just need vanilla. Nothing satisfies your appetite for sweetness quite like it.
Don't get me wrong. I am a master at all the flavors, but somehow, right now in my life I sure would love a little "vanilla".
Oh I found you!!!!!!!!!!
You probably don't even remember me!
I went searching for you :)
ps. Ahh Vanilla. Pure. Sweet. Perfect. Vanilla.
What I wouldn't do for some of that in my life too...
Oh Miss Zya - from way down underish to living in New York...
I remember you hon!!
Welcome back!
Am just having a hot fine apple tart with vanilla ice cream in the middle and remembered you, thought i'd say hi on the vanilla post :)
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