Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Sheltering Tree

I heard recently that friendship is like a sheltering tree. What a beautiful image that is! Can you visualize the tree that is you in friendship?

I want to be one of those large oak trees that sit in the middle of an expanse of grassy field filled with flowers, the tree that makes you want to take off your shoes and make your way to it on a summer day.

I want the branches of my friendship to extend far beyond my trunk, offering shade during the hottest parts of the day, knowing my roots are deep enough to support me, and in turn, them.

If friendship is like a sheltering tree. Who's branches do you take rest under? Who takes rest under yours? I hope this will cause you to reach out to a friend today, perhaps someone that you haven't been there for as much as you should have, or someone who you have hurt by careless words or action.

I know who I am calling right now, and she is really an important woman in my life whom I miss very much.


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