Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Moles, Thong, Botox

This morning had an early start with me jumping out of bed to make my 7:00 a.m. Dermatology appointment. Mole check time. Growing up in South Florida means that I pay close attention to my skin now as both my Dad and my Brother have had some skin cancers removed already. I have been lucky but I am cautious.

So up out of the bed, dressed in all black (easy matching), grabbed a cup of coffee and off I went, not giving much thought to what I looked like, other than making sure my face was prepped and moisturized. My Dermo is a pro and pretty harsh on bad skin care. He is like 65 but looks around 40, muscular and a power lifter - pretty funny stuff.

So with my copy of Vogue in hand I settled into the room to wait and then I noticed what I had forgotten to think about. The short paper gown. Not the full length one, the one that only covers your boobs. "Oh, no" I thought...I had forgotten to put on my "drawers" and was wearing my oh so cute black thong panties with the pink lace trim. TMI I thought for ol' Dr. Wiegand. Too late to fix it or do anything else I got up on the table, shivering with no secrets left.

In he came with a swift greeting and his welder hat on, ready for action. You can imagine my shock and horror when after checking all exposed skin he went to have a look south of the equator. "Whoa," I said to him. "Um, the sun never shines there!" and then I got the talk about how now in the age of tanning bed tans, people go completely nude in there and indeed, get "sun" damage on their unmentionables so it is now routine to check it ALL out. And here I was worried about my exposed hiney the whole

After doing an examination on my face and getting a compliment on my skin condition he sat back in the chair to talk to me, while I laid on the table, fully ensconsed in paper. "Have you thought about Botox Mellissa?" HUH? NO, not really.... "Looks like it is time to start thinking about preventing some of the wrinkling you have around your eyes and your forehead. I would recommend 7 units for you, 5 on the forehead and one on each corner of your eye." Good grief, thanks a lot. Nekkid and old I sat there thinking about botulism injections, wrinkles and sun damage on my va-jay-jay.

Not the greatest morning of my life. And NO, I did not opt for the Botox. I kind of like my crows feet and ability to give a wicked dirty look.



Tim said...

Glad to hear you are skin cancer free a this point.

Botox? I'm glad you opted out. I think that stuff does more harm than good. People age for a reason and should take it gracefully. I mean if you take care of your body as you and the doc obviously do with both of yours, then you should be fine. There's nothing wrong with showing your age in places. That being said, you're still a very attractive woman, crows feet or not... ;>)

Mellissa said...

Ha ha - thanks Green!

Right now I am an irritated lady so I am headed to the spa for a 90 minute massage.

Hope it helps cool me off.


Osbasso said...

So many things to comment on here, and I don't know where to start! Glad that you don't have the cancer, though. Especially on the privates!

Mellissa said...

Os -

I don't tan my hooha so skin cancer there was NEVER an issue - lol...but I will remember to double sanitze the beds this Spring based on my newfound enlightment ;-)

Funny thig is that my best friend in Switzerland had the SAME appointment today with her Dermo...and he did NOT check her Mexico!!

I think I got hornschwaggled!!


Cheryl said...

Ha! I like crow's feet, too. My derm looks me all over, every inch. People are getting skin cancer on non-exposed areas, too now.

So imagine my level of discomfort a while back when I ran into my derm at church--we go to the same one, different services. He's the only man who's seen every inch of me in several years...

Mellissa said...

Cheryl - you cracked me up! I can't imagine going into church and having to think about that one!! I said to my guy - "Hey, Gyno was YESTERDAY!!" I think I was 10 shades of red and he was just cracking up. I hope it wasn't the view that made him laugh - lol!!


lecram sinun said...

Yay for your negatori vote on the botox. Personally, smiling crows feet and character lines are very sexy in my book. As my Mum would say... "makes the eyes smile wider". Old? Not at all.


Rebecca said...

You know what Mellissa, I have to tell you - I used to be anti-Botox, anti- anything other than aging gracefully. Now that I'm reliving my 20s, I've also been told that I'm really young looking w. good skin, and though I don't "need" Botox, would I consider using it as a preventative aging technique. This was from a cosmetic dermatologist. At first I was like "um, no...". But then after I left, I was thinking, "hmmm...maybe???". Smiling crows feet and character lines are wonderful - but this worry/stress line at the bridge of my nose isn't...I probably won't do it, but it does sound interesting. I could never personally do anything other than that to my body - plastic surgery just isn't for me. But a little injection of Botox in the bridge of my nose -- hmmm, that might not be too terrible. :)

bricotrout said...

you lost me at 'pink lace'

Mellissa said...

Rebecca - I never said "never" just not yet. My philosophy is that I am gonna wait till I am 60 and do it all in one shot. I'm gonna have the dr. make one cut and pull so that my saggy boobs will become my new tight butt and my butt will become my big ol new boobs - and then they can Botox where needed - lol!!

Brico - I know I lose myself that way a lot too - you remember when I went to France to buy that Lingere lace, white lace, black lace, ribbons - I say bring it on!!
