Friday, April 20, 2007

Kissing Styles

Last night I was spending a little time with my girls. Dinner at Angie's house is always a treat because she is a great Cajun cook!

After dinner we were digesting over a glass of Chardonnay and listening to Kerri gush over her new man Scott - or "ScO" as she refers to him. I told her I had to excuse myself to go throw up after a while - all in good fun, mind you.

Somehow we got on the subject of lights on or off - kissing and other nonsense. The kissing part had us rolling. Kerri hates the chicken pecker kisser, Angie hates the sloppy kisser, and I hate the "are you in or out" kisser. I am sure you are familiar with all of those types, and the complete NECESSITY of being with a great kisser.

We also discussed how meeting the great kisser can lead to trouble in short order. The so-so kisser keeps you thinking about whether you are up for training and more dinners. The great kisser keeps you thinking about not kissing for too long and reminds you that there must be a nerve that runs from your bottom lip all the way to Mexico!!

Our question was - Are great kissers born or made? Can you teach a bad kisser to change their ways - can you lead by example or just ditch and run. I think the latter. If you have a bad kisser on your hands, you might as well just hit the road because like finger prints, they are what they are and they are not gonna change.

And then we moved on to discuss world politics ;-)


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