Monday, May 21, 2007

Connecting Dots

At first I was offended that you were talking to me. You seemed obtrusive, asking questions about the spices I was looking at.  I had seen you asking another woman about the juice she was buying.   I thought you were a flirt. When you approached me, I was not kind to you. I wasn’t rude either, just on guard and polite with nothing more. Then I realized why….you are lonely.  You just want to talk to someone because mostly likely you are alone.

How well I understand this, as I am alone too and I find that I talk to people everywhere just for the conversation and connection. I laugh and cut up with people all over town. People are comfortable with me and I am amazed that each place I go people open up and we end up laughing and sometimes exchanging business cards – everyone seems to leave with a smile. It is so simple, it is connection.

When I realized that you just wanted connection to another human being, I exhaled a little and began to tease you about cooking and “back in the day”. It turns out that your name is Walter and you are 82 years old. You have a tattoo on your arm signaling that you were in the Navy. I asked you about that and you told me that you were in WWII. I was fascinated and felt humbled in respect for the life you lived. Your “sweetheart” passed on some years ago after 59 years of marriage. Alice.

Your family lives nearby, a son and two daughters. You live alone and do quite well – you look great, you walk a lot, your fit and sharp minded. I think the only thing missing is her – and so you go to the market – to connect. I am so pleased to have connected with you. I learned from you a valuable thing once again. We all need to feel a part of the collective. Walter, I do too – and together, right in the middle of the market – we were.

Thank you, and see you soon! Your new friend, Mellissa


Rebecca said...

The kindness of a stranger often rekindles the human spirit. Hopefully, your little time spent with Walter will brighten his day. :)

Cheryl said...

Great story. How kind of you to take a moment to connect with him...

...and he with you.

oregoncelticlady said...

Wonderful! And yes, we ARE all connected, whether we approach it in a poitive way or not! Thus is the world, i think!

Chick said...

Awww...thanks for reminding me to take the time to hear someone's's always worth it.

Southern Sweetheart said...

I feel like Walter a lot...only I'm female and a mere 32....and I don't have my version of "Alice"....

Mellissa said...

Hi Ladies,

I am always so humbled by the sweet way God reminds me to give kindness - he will put people right in front of me almost in a way that I would trip over them.

I always end up learning something wonderful, and hopefully become a better woman each time.

Can you imagine if I had continued on with my original judgement that he was a "dirty old man". I would have missed a love story the likes of which I dream to find.


Anonymous said...

So are you saying that is a good way for old men to meet good looking gals?