Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pregnancy Stupid

How I was....fit, smart and un-stupid....

How I am...fat, happy and stupid ;-)

Have you all ever heard of the "Pregnancy Stupids"??? Well let me tell you - it is TRUE that you get a little dense during this time. I do some things that just make me wince at my own goofiness - not to mention that all of a sudden (in the last three months) I CANNOT spell. I mess up all kinds of words and for a writer, that is quite alarming!!!

Now the latest stupid....

On Friday evening, I decided to take my little man on our first date. It had been a great day, I was excited and wanted to celebrate and since I am alone, decided to take the new man in my life out on the town for dinner and a movie. The new Catherine Zeta Jones movie was playing at 7:45 p.m. - Perfect to fit my early-bird dinner and still make the movie!!

I got my ticket and my diet coke and walked into the theatre with a big grin, all ready for my movie date.....as my eyes adjusted to the theatre I realized that there were no seats and the two that I saw I was actually given dirty looks (yes, I could see them in the dark) that said "oh no fat chick, don't EVEN think about it."

So I turned and started crying (yes, I do that) little drips of disappointment. Then I was irritated at whoever was stupid enough to sell more tickets for a full theatre, or all those "sneaky people" who went to my movie instead of the one they paid for. See how nuts I am.

So I went up to the manager of the movies and asked for my money back. "The movie is full and I can't get a seat." I said to him. He replied... "No Reservation?" to which I just stood there looking at him in disbelief, saying nothing. "No Reservation?" he asked again. I said "Of course I didn't have a reservation...I just came to the movies like normal. Do you need a reservation now?" He just started laughing at me, and said.. "NO, the movie is CALLED "No Reservation", is that what movie you wanted to see?"

Yeah - I felt that stupid.....and trust me - there are a lot more stories I could tell you - but in a effort to maintain my dignity in an era where my thighs are becoming friends - I will not. Just suffice it to say that my little man better be brilliant - cause he is BOGARTING all the oxygen and I am out here in dumbsville. Oh, and if you are wondering about the two pictures. That is to remind me that I can snap back - and eventually get a Friday night date and drink a Martini.



Tim said...

I have no doubt your little man will be the smartest kid on earth (next to mine, of course! LOL parents are like that) and I also have no doubt that you'll be able to snap back into shape post pregnancy if that's what your goal is. So I guess there's no alcohol or salsa dancing for the next six months for you.

And certainly the dates will come.

Peace, my friend.

Cheryl said...

Ha ha!!!!!!! The really big secret is that while the pregnancy hormones & crying at the drop of the hat goes away, "stupid" never leaves. You will now always and forever have too much on your mind to keep things straight.

A formerly smart woman

lecram sinun said...

You look beautiful in both the pictures BTW. ;) Yeah... my friends get pregnant and the "duh" factor does kick in. lol. But there is nothing to fear as it will pass.


oregoncelticlady said...

hahahhah!! You are so cute!! And all is forgiven of pregnant women!!
Enjoy this marvelous time!!!!

Osbasso said...

Milk this "stupid" thing as long as you can!

Lori said...

I don't remember the stupid factor as much as the concentration problems..or maybe they're tied in! And then there's the memory loss... I still struggle with that one!

But it's all worth it. Do you know your due date so we can all start thinking of names?! ;-)

bricotrout said...

holy christ you were hot! um... er... i mean you ARE hot! uh, attractive... no! 'radiant'!
damnit, i never know what to say to an expecting woman.
hope the guppy and her mummy is doing well.

Mellissa said...

Thanks for the sweet comments friends!!! Brico - you are a SUHWEETIE PIE!! And you can say "Hot" to a preggy woman - we like it - and we NEED it!! You are the second man who said it to me today...the other one made this happen, so the fact that he thinks I am still hot is a bonus.. ;0

Lori, I am due in January...and the baby has his name already.... ;-)

Two family names - one from each side.


Kelly Sadosky said...

that's funny! You look GREAT in both of these. Did you get your money back? Or go see it another time? Just wondering how the movie was....

Kelly Sadosky said...

that's funny! You look GREAT in both of these. Did you get your money back? Or go see it another time? Just wondering how the movie was....

Osbasso said...

Geez, it's hard to keep up with your changing pictures...

Two questions--is that a portrait of you in the background? and what's up with the goose going after yer keister?

oregoncelticlady said...

jueeeez, Obasso doesn't miss a thing!! HAHAHAH at the goose!!!!!

Osbasso said...

Four mothers?? That's incredible!

Mellissa said...

See - I told you ....stupid..

Proper sentence. The goose (I have 4 of them) was a Christmas gift two years ago, from my mother.



Southern Sweetheart said...

You are stunning but before and now my lady. :) You certainly are beaming and I am so very happy for you!

This story is hilarious -- I actually did LOL when I read what you said to the movie guy. hahahahaha what a riot!

Rebecca said...

OMG. Hysterical.
Can I just tell you, I swore I took a stupid pill while I was pregnant, and it was REALLY bad when I was pregnant with my daughter. It wore off quickly when I had my son...it took wayyyy longer after her.

And you look beautiful. :)

AM said...

Hehe, that's a funny story.
Oh and by the way, you look great :D