Monday, March 17, 2008


I love being a mother. I have never been more tired or looked worse in my life than I do on a daily basis now. Sleep comes in spurts and a good night of rest is a 4 hour stretch. My son is the light of my life and the purpose of all things I do now.

The past is behind me now and the future is unknown, but promising for us. I read back on Evan's blog Saturday, back to the journey, the moments of wonder in my pregnancy, the times when I wondered "how" "who" and "what" would he be.  I can tell you that he surpasses my biggest dream and fills my heart with a love like I have never known.

The rest of life will sort itself out - the work, where to live, ties that bind and love, and I will wake up tired each morning, looking worn and weary, and smile at my son, who in return now smiles back at me.

Happy 7 weeks Evan, I love you Frogman.



Osbasso said...

Wow--if this is what you look like at your worst...

Such a loving shot here. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Mellissa--What a beautiful picture! You look wonderful...and Evan is such a beautiful baby. Isn't motherhood the best? Take care, Carrie

Lori said...

And it just keeps getting better...I promise you! I always thought that the first few weeks of a baby's life are the most difficult because it's still hard to know what they need and want. But when they start those smiles...then sitting up...standing...walking, well it's all just magical. And then before you know it, they're off to places like New York City! ;-) You will carry worry with you always and your heart will be right out there on your sleeve, but it's all so worth it.

You look wonderful...and he is such a darling.

Cheryl said...

Awwww... I miss having a baby. :) You look gorgeous, tired or not.

Tim said...

I agree with the above comment that it will only get better as Evan gets older. Before you know it he'll be telling you about his day at school....

AM said...

You look great Mel :)
I think this fatigue has its own charm hehe.