Monday, March 29, 2010

Well um, k....

Last night after work I came home to hang with Cooper and straighten up the house from the last two days with Evan. There is always lots to catch up on. The fact that it was foggy and rainy made me just want to crawl up into bed with the remote and stay there, but, well, um, k I had agreed to a date with Bachelor #2, Sam. 

So, I talked to Mitzi for a few, downed some Goldfish crackers as an appetizer, followed with a milk-swig chaser and then off I went to get ready. I was not really looking forward to it, but I am moving on with life, and life does not move on from the confines of your cozy room...well, it does, but it does so without you. 

I dressed, I drove, I met, Camel hair jacket, nice wavy hair, tall and muscular, soccer player, and then huh...what is with all the hand gesturing and jacket adjustment? "Are you comfortable?" I asked, he said he was and then he proceeded with some conversation about heading to Montana to work in resorts (raft guiding) and how he was so sick of his job and Memphis and how he is thinking about Idaho or Montana. 

I sat there being nice, conversant, pleasant, thinking "nice hair" but the rest of the package was just about to expire, I could tell the milk was just on the verge of sour...and so I checked the time on my phone to indicate to him that I was ready to end things.

I headed out the door into the rain, jumped in the car and aimed for home. 8:33 PM, still time to watch TV in bed with our puppy Cooper....he has good hair too, and a very positive outlook on life. xoxo, LB


Mike said...

hahahha. So the dog won out over camel hair jacket guy. nice!

Thanks for visiting my blog today. Nice to see you back.

Ps- I have plenty of pics of my sheltie on my blog, if you want to see another guy with killer hair!

Tim said...

so camel hair guy didn't do it for you, huh? I'm sure you'll meet a nice guy someday - probably when you're not looking for him.

I'm sure Cooper will always be charming company for you.

Mama Vedo said...

LOL!!! LOL!!! I can just see your face as you sat there!!! Too funny!

Hang in there, Sunshine! Your cherry pie is out there! ;-)