Monday, January 03, 2011

When You Fake It

I have to admit I am guilty of faking it. Every day....for three years. It's a very difficult thing to be a parent, and harder still when the person you are parenting with is, well, different from you to say the least. So, for the most part, I fake it, I bite my tongue, I act interested in things they say in order to keep a peaceful balance. But, there is the way I really feel most days, and that is like Alice who awakes to find herself in a strange land with some funky animals who grin too much and have ulterior motives and hidden agendas.

People tell me quite often that they would ever do what I have done, no matter how much they love their child. I wonder though, don't we all fake parts of our lives each and every day? Some fake love, others fake success and intellect, some fake happiness in their work, and there is another breed altogether who fake an identity to fool the masses.

I guess my question to you all is...."do you fake a portion of yourself or your life?" tell me yes, that in some fashion you do....or else I'll have to come to terms with being on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride all by myself!



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