Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Musings of a 55 year old

 My goodness how times have changed.  I am much older now, married with two teenagers in the house.  My life is very different than it used to be.  I think I am in a midlife slump.  I don't really recognize myself these days and my family dynamic is a disappointment.

We went out to dinner last night at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Jamie for Father's Day since he had to work.  I haven't been feeling well the last few days but tried to soldier on.

I really wanted to have a nice dinner, to finally think I could sit and talk with my children and interact.  I keep hoping maturity will hit after a long 8 years of working through their kid like shortcomings.  Holding out I told myself for the day when they would mature and we could really talk.  They snicker and take pot shots at me and Evan especially skirts on the edge or actually wades right into the middle of totally inappropriate comments.

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