Saturday, July 09, 2005


Arthur stopped by the neighbor's house today. I knew it must be he. His leg was in a cast, he had been hurt and I could tell the appearance at the door was one of need. To me he is a stranger, only his name was familiar to me.

In speaking hello to him and offering him an explanation of my neighbors absence, I could see his face fall farther, his crutch moved back from the doorbell and into it's rightful place at his side. "Do you know when...." he asked, "I think later tonight", I replied. "Oh", was his only answer.

Today is a hot, humid and sunny day in our city. There is a hurricane a few hundred miles south of us and it is churning up the weather. Arthur is walking, leg braced, dripping sweat and wiping it away with a ragged green hand towel. I offered what I could, a tall glass of ice water and a small sum of money so he could fill a prescription catch the bus on the corner and get himself home. He had used the last of his to ride the bus here. He needed home and rest and dignity.

Asking for help is hard - he did not have to get the words past himself. I inquired, smiled and shook his hand with a "nice to meet you sir, I have heard of you before and now we meet". Needs met for the moment, Arthur thanked me and made his way toward downtown and the rest he so desperately needed.

It was nice to meet you Arthur. God bless.


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